Deen Doughouz finally I put my timeline App live on play store. It keeps crashing while using, so slow also. In post if there is hashtag I click on that it breaks app also.
I'm using powerful VPS hosting have other apps also, don't have these issues.
Looks like this timeline app will be just a dream can't be in reality anymore. I'm losing all my hopes....

dont knowr what to post


WoWonder updated to v1.4.5.2!


- Added audio recording to Post/Comment systems.
- Upgraded the API to the newest version for the new android messenger update.
- Fixed bugs in the script.

8 yrs - Youtube

thentimeline app has still two bugs I found, if a post is longer the read more or view more button does not show on app. And post looks so longer as ugly.
Second bug when we click on hashtag in the post it gives error on the app.
These two bugs are stopping me to publish my app, I made everything g ready and waiting for these two things to be fixed before I out on play store.
I sent you email days ago no reply, support will almost expire but will not publish my app lol
Deen Doughouz pls check with app author if the bug is from his side or your side? But I'm sure bugs are from app site because read more button shows on desktop main site and also hashtag works fine in main site.
Please fix at least these two bugs soon and release a small update so users like me can finally put their app live


Deen Doughouz why there is written translate next to the post timing even post is in English and that translate button is not even clickable please tell me the logic behind

Deen Doughouz this is my biggest wish and want to see in Wowonder pls I beg you work on this thing as I will never ask or push for u another feature Hahahaha please bro think of this feature please, that user alsmot made it working but for me doesn't not work I tried a lot. Pls see if you can add in your core files or just help me alone to have that feature pls bro plz if I were in turkey I would take you for a nice dinner lol, here is the feature I'm dying for pls

Guys anyone has fully working timeline app till now?
I have fully updated my site and also the fresh files of timeline app I configured and make apk file and just tested, posts do not load when go to the users profiles,
Anyone faces this issue?
I'm getting fed up day by day, purchased long ago timeline app and still can't put it on play store not worth yet.
I don't know who are the lucky people who have fully working timeline app lol