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Start date
26-December-2023 - 12:00


End date
31-December-2023 - 12:00

Also, make sure that you have well-rested XP when you use my affiliate coupon code. There's a chance I'll get a part of the commission, so roll the outro there's lots of ways you can help the channel and keep me here putting out what a Warcraft video and content as well as covering all new MMOs. Consider joining the channel. If you're a member, and you'll have access to emotes everyone will know you're an official member when you make comments on future videos as you get a nice icon on your profile and you have access to exclusive videos for members. I'll be posting a lot of videos on this channel over the course of the season.

There's also a Patreon button in the summary too. Thank you for watching all the way up to the end, and I'll be back for the next episode.

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How to Earn Gold with the Fresh WOTLK Classic Servers - WOTLK News

Today's video is expected to be a bit different and a reason.

Can You Make Easy Gold On The New WoW War? Classic Servers?

The video today is going to be slightly different and a reason. It's also a little different, because I'm not only on my own and it's a nice variation. To be honest. In reality, I'm joined by Marco We're going to talk about a lot of things, a lot of it economics-related and fresh servers are probably the I'm not gonna say main focus, you'll be able to learn a few points from this even if you're thinking of using existing servers.
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