Hello everyone, today I'll share with you different farm spurts for rock gold that you can do in the Wrath of the Lich King pre patch.
The WOTLK Prior to Patch Raw Gold Farming Guide
This can be beneficial for those who do not like traveling to an auction house to sell your various items you farm, but also for the upcoming first servers where it will be difficult to market your items. To make this farm as efficient as you can, you either need to be a tank, or in a class with lots of weed damage.
In Netherstorm, there are some area with a lot of links, these you can stack easily and possibly pull up to between five and seven at once. The primary reason I enjoy killing these is because they offer a very high probability of dropping two different grey items. They also have the potential to drop an impressive amount.
In addition, if you do this farm, ensure you have a slim figure as this will all increase the gold that you make power. However, for those who don't have skinning it's a much better option for you to go in Netherstorm.
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