
Buy Xero Pro Mango 5000 Puffs Disposable Pod

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Published By Greater Manchester
£14.99 (GBP)
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Mango Xero Pro (0 mg, zero nicotine)
Mango Flavour 5000 Puff Rechargeable Disposable Pod from Xero Pro. This is one of the best-tasting disposable pods with mango flavour currently available. Your taste receptors will go into overdrive because of the realism of the flavour!

Adjustable Airflow allows you to customise your vape to your specific preferences, and the USB-C Rechargeable Pod can power you through 5000 puffs.

Nicotine Potency


50:1 PG/VG RatioPG 50VG Quality Assurance

With the highest grades and quality ingredients, iBreathe specialises in creating premium e-liquid refills. Professionals use aseptic process to create iBreathe premium e-liquid refills using only chemicals that are deemed safe for ingestion by people.

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