
Buy Cuppa - 10ml High PG E-Liquid

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Published By Greater Manchester
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0ml Cuppa High PG E-Liquid

Who doesn't enjoy a hot beverage? Although it is decaffeinated, the truly authentic coffee flavour of this Premium e-liquid does everything but wake you up in the morning.

You may now truly "simply inhale a cuppa" in addition to the fact that this is a high-quality vape that you're sure to enjoy. Win-win.
Nicotine Potency

Null (0 mg)
Low Dose (6 mg)
Low (12mg)
Med (18mg)

70 PG/VG RatioPG 30VG Quality Assurance

With the highest grades and quality ingredients, iBreathe specialises in creating premium e-liquid refills. Professionals use aseptic process to create iBreathe premium e-liquid refills using only chemicals that are deemed safe for ingestion by people.

All of our iBreathe products are TPD, CHIP, RoHS, MSDS, CE, and CPT certified and compliant.

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