Dogs can eat dragon fruit, but it is not recommended to feed too much at one time. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.Proper feeding can supplement nutrition for dogs and help improve their overall immunity.
Can dogs eat dragon fruit? Do you want to eat dragon fruit?
In addition, dragon fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis in dogs and help dogs relieve the symptoms of constipation. . However, the sugar content of dragon fruit is relatively high, which will increase the metabolic burden on the dog's kidneys, and many dogs have a relatively simple daily diet. Eating a large amount of dragon fruit suddenly can easily irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea in dogs.
Dogs can eat dragon fruit, but not too much. The sugar in dragon fruit is not good for your dog's teeth, stomach, and hair.
Secondly, if the dog's dog food can meet the nutritional and energy needs of the dog for a day, then it is not necessary to supplement the fruit, taste fresh can, but eat more is not necessary.
If the owner feels that the dog only eats dog food and wants to supplement vitamins, he can buy pet vitamin tablets for the dog to eat.
Can Dogs eat Dragon Fruit?
Dogs can eat dragon fruit, but can not eat too much at a time, to eat the right amount, because dragon fruit contains sugar, bad for the dog's health.
Eating too much dragon fruit can cause the following injuries to dogs.
1, cause hair removal: The sugar contained in dragon fruit will increase the burden of the dog's stomach and cause endocrine disorders, eating too much will make the dog endocrine disorders and even hair removal.
2, damage to teeth: dragon fruit sugar can cause tooth decay.
3, cause weight gain: eating too much sugar will make you fat, and obesity is easy to induce a series of diseases. These diseases can be life-threatening, especially as dogs get older.
website: https://www.petgov.com/pet-question/can-dogs-eat-dragon-fruit.html