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Address: 2305 Point Nepean Rd Rye VIC 3941, Australia
Phone: +61 3 5985 9902
Description: There’s a common perception that Mexican food is both spicy and heavy but, in fact, at Chipotle Rye our food has a depth of flavor – with its combination of savory and earthy flavors – and by using fresh herbs and vegetables it tastes much better. Chipotle is proud to use fresh local ingredients and incorporate them into the mouth-watering Mexican dishes. Chipotle's story is simple. We serve authentic Mexican food In Rye, mexican restaurant in rye, best restaurants in rye victoria, restaurant, restaurants near rye, its distinct kick are a variety of chilies (fresh, dried, smoked, and pickled) alongside oregano, coriander (known as cilantro in North America), Garlic, onions, lemons, and limes.
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Business Hours: Monday to Sunday 5:00 AM to 9:30 PM Tuesday-Closed