
Deen Doughouz I am goingto sign up on twilio, In one field they ask WHICH PRODUCT DO YOU PLAN TO USE FIRST? I selected SMS option and then in the next field they are asking me WHAT ARE YOU BUILDING? and in the next field asking me CHOOSE YOUR LANGUAGE.
Please confirm to me what I should select for these options, I just want to make sure I select the correct one because I want to use it for my wowonder site
Also let me know if I configure twilio with my wowonder site. Then what are the main benefits of that to me? Only sending sms verification codes while registration or we can send bulk sms to all users as well such as notifications etc?

Which sms service is better for WoWonder? twilio or bulksms ? Which one is good and cheap? Anyone has tried one of these?

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#Türkçe Deen Doughouz
Sayfa ve grubun kullanıcı adını ayıran bir ön ek olsa iyi olabilirdi sanki ya da en azından grubun kullanıcı adı önünde bunun gibi

#Türkçe Deen Doughouz
Şunu merak ediyorum neden profillerde satış yapılabiliyor? Bunu grup ve sayfalarda yapsak sadece daha mantıklı değil mi?
