Has anyone successfully configured timeline app? I was banging my head against the wall whole day and I could not do. Guys wait for the next update which is waiting for approval, don't struggle with the first release many things missing in there. Just to aware people not to waste time with the first release and wait for the next update

I wonder why you do not have full video tutorial for timeline app. I followed timeline app documentation its so basic. Also I tried to follow messenger App video tutorial but no luck. I am getting the error see the attached screenshot please


How is this?

Me too
8 Total votes

created a new article
8 yrs

#blogs # wowonder

is feeling Broken
8 yrs

Who is tired and want to kill himself same like me because of these extra spaces in the post? Even in blogs I post have so many extra spaces and then have to edit it to fix that. I am so tired of this issue. Looks like this will never be solved from more than a year I am facing this issue. I wanna shoot myself



I wonder if someone has successfully configured timeline app ?