
Slendy00880 changed his profile cover
8 yrs

Slendy00880 changed his profile picture
8 yrs

livecodes is watching Fast & Furious8 F8
8 yrs

Ef Be is feeling Happy
8 yrs

I saw someone had the same issue as I see now on my site. Sometimes whenever I go to user profile I do not see any posts there and when I refresh the page then it shows posts.
Anyone has noticed and fixed this thing?

Very strange I can not change anymore site background color, i used it in style.css the following codes before and it was working fine

body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background-color: #EAEEEA !important;

and now it does not work if I change the color codes.
Where are the new codes located in which css files? how I can change the whole site background color ?


Guys your timeline aap main feed look native or web view kind? Because I do not see it native on my app It feels like I am using a web view version of the app, only menu slider looks native that's all