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cats lovers meeting!

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Start date
24-November-2023 - 01:15


End date
24-November-2023 - 05:00

Hi there! It's me, Lily! I have the most exciting news to share with you! Guess what? There's going to be a special gathering for cat lovers right in the heart of Bishkek, and I really, really want to go!

I heard that lots of kids like me and grown-ups who adore cats are going to meet up to talk about their furry friends, share stories, and even play with kitties! Can you believe it? It's like a dream come true for a little cat lover like me.

But here's the thing, I need a bit of help to make this dream a reality. It would be super duper amazing if you could help me with $500 so I can join the cat lovers' meetup in the center of Bishkek. Just think about it – we'll get to meet other cat lovers, learn new things about our fluffy buddies, and maybe even make some new friends!

I promise, if you help me, I'll tell you all about the wonderful kitties I meet and the cool things I learn. You'll be a part of my kitty adventure, and I'll be forever grateful for your kindness.

Thank you so much for considering helping me make this dream come true! Sending you lots of kitty cuddles and excitement!

