Accountability TL Lucent
Accountability TL Lucent Feb 08

Accountability TL Lucent

days hours remaining

Coordinate with group members to ensure a diverse set of abilities and synergies.

Preparation and Buffs:

Prior to the fight, ensure that all group members are fully buffed with consumables, potions, and relevant class abilities.

Buffs that enhance resistances, damage output, and survivability are particularly valuable.

Positioning and Awareness:

Maintain optimal positioning to avoid unnecessary damage from the Tyrant's attacks.

Stay aware of your surroundings and potential hazards on the battlefield.


Establish clear communication channels within the group.

Designate a leader or coordinator to relay important information, such as upcoming abilities or phase transitions.

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08-February-2024 - 12:00 Start date
22-February-2024 - 12:00 End date
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