Accountability of annoyed players with new Mut 24 Cover Image


Accountability of annoyed players with new Mut 24

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Start date
09-February-2024 - 12:00


End date
23-February-2024 - 12:00

Cowboys kicker Dan Bailey missed a 53-yard field goal before the clock ran out forcing the game to overtime. The Texans were the winners of the coin flip and chose to accept. However their offense, their momentum did not carry over into the extra time and they were forced to punt after getting all the way to the Cowboys 48-yard line.

The good thing was that the Texans were able to pin the Cowboys back deep in their own territory with great punt. Dallas had to start the drive at their own 10-yard line. If the Texans could hold them back and force a punt, there was a chance they would get the ball back and have a great field position and only require the field goal to be victorious. They did give up one first down to the Cowboys, but after an incomplete pass and a stop by Murray for a few yards or so at a time, the Texans had the Cowboys with a third and 9 at their own 32-yard line. A good opportunity to defend.

But look at them as hard-headed, and you know what happens to hard-headed folks do you not?

Instead of four players rushing - they have one of the top quarterbacks that football's had in J.J. Watt -- and also playing coverage, the Texans have decided to rush Romo. It sounds like an OK strategy. Watt has won a few games however, he had not been able to eliminate Romo throughout the game. Romo has also earned himself a reputation, earned or not, for making huge errors under pressure during the crunch moments. The theory goes : With the blitz, you are likely to once more see Dez Bryant thrown into coverage. Are you really looking forward to those issues?

OK Then they have decided to not place the seventh-round rookie on Dez instead, opting to place their top corner on him -- Johnathan Joseph. Whoop-de-damn-do. When the ball was snapped and Romo was able to see the safety who had been favoring Bryant's side of the field move into the middle, it didn't really make a difference who was out there to protect him. Romo was able to throw the ball into the direction of Dez before falling to avoid being hit from Texans Safety D.J.
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