
Buy Xero Pro Blueberry Raspberry 5000 Puffs Disposable Pod

£14.99 (GBP)
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  •  LocationUK
  •  StatusIn stock
  •  TypeNew


Blueberry Raspberry Xero Pro (0mg - Zero Nicotine)
Blueberry Raspberry 5000 Puff Rechargeable Disposable Pod from Xero Pro. juicy blueberries and raspberries in a delicious combination. With a clean inhale and a cool exit, this vape has superb flavour.

Adjustable Airflow allows you to customise your vape to your specific preferences, and the USB-C Rechargeable Pod can power you through 5000 puffs.

Nicotine Potency


50:1 PG/VG RatioPG 50VG Quality Assurance

With the highest grades and quality ingredients, iBreathe specialises in creating premium e-liquid refills. Professionals use aseptic process to create iBreathe premium e-liquid refills using only chemicals that are deemed safe for ingestion by people.

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