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Nurturing Success at Learning Differences Schools


As the Head of School, I'm delighted to introduce you to Maplebrook and our unique education for students with learning differences. Our campus blends learning with a beautiful environment, emphasizing skills like teamwork and problem-solving. We prepare students not just as learners but as future leaders, focusing on qualities like creativity and compassion. I invite you to visit and witness our commitment to excellence, shaping well-rounded young adults for a successful future.

#maplebrookschool #learningdifferencesschools #bordingschoolinnyc #learningdisability #nycboardingschools #newyork

Head of School | Maplebrook School

Head of School | Maplebrook School

Maplebrook is a top boarding school offering a challenging curriculum and supportive environment for students with a primary diagnosis of processing disorders, anxiety, expressive & receptive language disorders, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, NLD, dyscalcu