New Book "Be Premium on LinkedIn" Offers Key Strategies for Boosting Sales and Marketing Success on Leading Professional Networking Platform

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Author Kamil Pawlikowski shares unique insights and practical tips for individuals and businesses looking to maximize their presence and results on LinkedIn. He has been working in marketing field for over 30 years.

LONDON UK - April 24, 2024 - Kamil Pawlikowski, renowned business expert and marketing consultant, is proud to announce the release of his latest book, "Be Premium on LinkedIn: Get Better Results with the World's Largest Professional Platform". This comprehensive guide aims to help individuals and businesses accelerate their sales and marketing success through the effective use of the platform's vast array of features and tools.

With over 700 million members worldwide and 50 million companies utilizing the platform for networking, recruiting and marketing purposes, the book provides readers with a wealth of actionable insights and strategies that will help them stand out from the competition. This includes optimizing profile and company pages, engaging with prospects, and utilizing various LinkedIn features such as groups, publishing, and advertising.

"For professionals and businesses today, LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool for building networks, generating leads, and driving sales in the highly competitive global marketplace," notes Pawlikowski. "But many users are not aware of the full range of strategies and features available to them, which can limit their success on the platform. My book seeks to address these knowledge gaps and provide readers with a comprehensive toolkit for unlocking LinkedIn's full potential."

Key themes covered in "Be Premium on LinkedIn" include:

The essentials of LinkedIn's algorithm and how to get noticed by the right people
Strategies for developing a personal brand and creating content that resonates with your target audience
Tips for building a robust network and leveraging the power of connections
Techniques for identifying and engaging with prospects, nurturing leads, and closing deals
Advanced LinkedIn advertising tactics, including sponsored content, InMail, and Dynamic Ads

"Be Premium on LinkedIn" is ideal for entrepreneurs, salespeople, marketing professionals, recruiters, and anyone looking to build their personal brand or business presence on LinkedIn. The book offers step-by-step guidance, real-world examples, and practical tips that can be implemented immediately.

"This is not just another guide on how to use LinkedIn. Kamil Pawlikowski goes deep into the nuances of the platform and his insights are invaluable for anyone looking to succeed in the sales and marketing world," says Robert Mooresh, CEO of XYZcorp Inc, a leading marketing company from Hungary.

Pawlikowski brings years of experience as a marketing consultant and business coach to the table, having worked with hundreds of clients ranging from small businesses to multinational corporations. His expertise in digital marketing, strategic planning, and branding makes "Be Premium on LinkedIn" a must-read for anyone looking to take their LinkedIn presence to the next level.

"Be Premium on LinkedIn" is now available in print and ebook formats on Amazon and other major booksellers. For more information, please visit


Kamil Pawlikowski email: phone: 579289237


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Be Premium on LinkedIn by Kamil Pawlikowski