Hello everyone, I shared an erotic video of a woman having sex with a dog for 32 minutes on top of the #foulue social networking site, unfortunately it is not the original video resource, the video resources circulating in the market are pirated, featuring a lot of watermarks and mosaics, which affects the viewing experience very much, is there any god who can find the original version of this video in the vast internet? Can any god find the original version of this video in the vast internet?

Foulue social networking post address: https://www.foulue.com/post/862


求助各位亲,这个 #猎奇 #人兽 视频有没有原版的资源,就是不带任何水印(原版有的话除外,不过原版应..

求助各位亲,这个 #猎奇 #人兽 视频有没有原版的资源,就是不带任何水印(原版有的话除外,不过原版应该没有...)及马赛克的,这个视频最早发现于2023年1月份左右,那时候就搜遍网络没有找到原版的资源,也只是一些porn网站有着没有清晰度可言的二手视频,今年这个资源好像在网络上更难发掘了,恳请有原版资源的亲亲共