Deen Doughouz     Shared this post
8 yrs

WoWonder v1.4 is ready !

We have updated the demo site to v1.4, please check and let us know your feedback !

Update list:

Added new welcome page.
Added custom fields system.
Added classfied system.
Added full affiliates system + paymants.
Added poll system.
Added custom pages system.
Added more payment methods, (Credit card, Bitcoin, american express).
Added Youtube field to social links.
Added integration with the new Windows desktop messenger.
Added new posts updater system (Like twitter).
Added image on comments system.
Added full messaging API code for windows / Android / IOS.
Added CSRF protection for more forms / ajax requests.
Added terms link to registration page.
Added the option to enable/disable notification sound.
Added the option for user to filter posts by all or following.
Added more ad placments (between posts).
Added 'latest products' placement in sidebar.
Added longer user session time.
Added new design for messages system.
Added custom backgrounds for pages.
Replcaed the url scrape system with better one.
Re-coded style.css file to .scss for easy coding and outputing.
Speed/Design/Code optimization.
Fixed Hashtag issues.
Fixed birthday privacy issue.
Fixed image rotation issue.
Fixed image cropping issues.
Fixed session hijacking security

The update is submitted To Envato and approved !

Make sure you clear the browser cache before testing the new update.

Kind regards,

#Wowonder, #wowonder_app, #wowonder_windows_app