
Manage Emails

Edit System E-mails
If you want to add translated texts you can use {{LANG key}} and replace key word with the key from Languages.
Make sure to add {{USERNAME}} , {{SITE_URL}} , {{EMAIL}} , {{CODE}} , {{SITE_NAME}} in the right place

Make sure to add {{USERNAME}} , {{SITE_URL}} , {{NAME}} , {{URL}} , {{SITE_NAME}} , {{BACKGOUND_COLOR}} in the right place

Make sure to add {{FIRST_NAME}} , {{SITE_NAME}} , {{USERNAME}} , {{EMAIL}} in the right place

Make sure to add {{SITE_NAME}} , {{NOTIFY_URL}} , {{NOTIFY_AVATAR}} , {{NOTIFY_NAME}} , {{TEXT_TYPE}} , {{TEXT}} , {{URL}} in the right place

Make sure to add {{name}} , {{amount}} , {{site_name}} in the right place

Make sure to add {{name}} , {{amount}} , {{site_name}} in the right place

Make sure to add {{USERNAME}} , {{SITE_NAME}} , {{LINK}} in the right place

Make sure to add {{USERNAME}} , {{SITE_NAME}} , {{CODE}} , {{DATE}} , {{EMAIL}} , {{COUNTRY_CODE}} , {{IP_ADDRESS}} , {{CITY}} in the right place
Make sure to add {{USERNAME}} , {{SITE_NAME}} in the right place