
Post Settings

Social Share Links

Share posts to Twitter.

Share posts to Facebook.

Share posts to What's app.

Share posts to Pinterest.

Share posts to Linkedin.

Share posts to Telegram.
Adult Images Settings

Enable this feature to blur or delete posts that contain adult contents using Google AI.

Choose the action to do once an adult image was found.

Your Google Vision API Key.

Please follow the steps below to activate the system:

1. Select or create a GCP project from Here

2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your project From Here Or Create a new billing account

3. Enable the Cloud Vision API. From Here

4. Create an API key:

- Navigate to the APIs & Services → Credentials panel in GCP Console.

- Select Create credentials, then select API key from the dropdown menu.

- Click the Create button. The API key created dialog box displays your newly created key.

Test API
General Posts & Comments Settings

Show post memories for users, on a yearly basis.

This feature will create an overlay watermark over images & videos.
The used icon path is: ./themes/sunshine/img/icon.png

Allow users to create posts anonymously.

Users can create colored posts.
You can manage colored version from Manage Colored Posts

The post will be sent to admins and moderators for approval before publishing.

Show popular posts & comments this week.
When enabled, you can see the link in left sidebar on the home page.

Allow users to report comments.

Allow users to post location.

Allow users to post feelings.

Allow users to post poll.

Set the max allowed characters for posts, comments, replies and messages.

Set how the newsfeed posts will appear for the users.

Choose what type of reaction you want to use beside the like button. You can manage reactions Here

How many posts a user can create in one hour?