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ID Key Name Value Action
1 authenticator_verify Verify your account: After you've set up your account, you'll be asked to enter a Confirmation Code (OTP) generated by Google Authenticator to verify your account. Simply open the app, find the account you set up, and enter the OTP when prompted.
2 authenticator_otp Use the OTP: Whenever you sign in to your account, you'll be asked for both your password and an OTP generated by Google Authenticator. Simply open the app, find the account you set up, and enter the OTP when prompted.
3 confirm_code Confirmation code
4 empty_code Confirmation code is required.
5 select_two_factor_method Choose 2-factor method
6 wrong_confirm_code Wrong confirmation code.
7 two_auth_currenly_enabled Two auth is currenly enabled using {method}.
8 deactivate Deactivate
9 authy_register Authy register
10 country_code Country code
11 empty_email Email is required.
12 empty_phone Phone number is required.
13 empty_country_code Country code is required.
14 authy_registered Authy 2-factor successfully enabled.
15 sms SMS
16 register_here Register here!
17 if_you_dont_account If you don’t have an account, you can
18 welcome_connect_friends Connect with friends
19 welcome_share_new_text Share what's new and life moments with your friends
20 if_you_have_account If you already have an account, you can
21 login_here Login here!
22 trendings Trendings
23 drag_drop_files Drag & drop files
24 drag_browse Browse
25 sypnosis Sypnosis
26 job_overview Job Overview
27 job_detail Job Detail
28 show_to Show to
29 regenerate Generate again
30 generate_using_ai Generate Using AI
31 generate_thumbnail Generate Thumbnail
32 download_backup_codes Download Backup Codes
33 enter_username Enter Your Username
34 enter_password Enter Your Password
35 max_result_length_blog Choose the max word length for your article
36 unsave_post_tx Remove this post from your favourite list.
37 use_text Use Text
38 credits Credits
39 ai_credit_purchase AI Credit Purchase
40 tell_me_a_joke Describe your post, e.g. 'Tell me a joke'.
41 ai AI
42 content_generated_ai Content generated by AI
43 equals_to Equals to
44 thumbnail_based_content Auto generate thumbnail based on your content.
45 send_gift_user_desc Choose between a variety of gifts and Send a gift to give your appreciation.
46 image_size Image Size
47 ai_words Words
48 watch Watch
49 there_are_no_videos_watchable No videos are available for viewing at the moment.
50 publisher_box_title_placeholder Enter a Title
Showing 49 out of 51