
Manage Languages

Edit Language ISO

The direction of the language 'Left To Right' or 'Right To Left'
Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 title_required_for_video Please provide a title when uploading your video.
2 untitled_video Untitled Video
3 switch_account Switch Account
4 add_account Add Account
5 upload_reels Upload Reels
6 reels Reels
7 monetization Monetization
8 post_monetization Post Monetization
9 period How many days until you get paid?
10 monetization_added Monetization package added successfully to your account.
11 edit_monetization Edit Package
12 monetized Monetized
13 subscribed_successfully You have successfully subscribed. Enjoy!
14 subscribed_to Subscribed to {text}
15 subscribed {text} subscribed
16 post_is_monetized This post is monetized; feel free to subscribe to access the content.
17 subscription_earnings Earnings from your subscription: {text}
18 subscribe Subscribe
19 subscribed_to_you Successfully subscribed to your package. {text}.
20 subscriptions Subscriptions
21 unsubscribe_from_monetization Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this user? Keep in mind that you won't be able to view any of their monetized content.
22 unsubscribe Unsubscribe
23 unsubscribe_successful You have been unsubscribed successfully.
24 qiwi Qiwi
25 photos_selected photo(s) selected
26 generate_ai_tweet Generate Tweet
27 saved_tweets Saved Tweets
28 retweet Repost
29 share_new_tweet Repost this on
30 users_shared_tweet People reposted
31 shared_a_tweet reposted
32 monetized_tx This post is visible only to those with a subscription.
33 there_are_no_subscriptions No subscriptions are currently available.
34 delete_your_monetization Remove your monetization package
35 are_you_delete_your_monetization Are you sure you want to delete this package?
36 add_new_monetization Add Package
37 monetization_edited The package successfully updated.
38 no_monetization_found No packages are currently available.
39 directory Directory
40 chat_group_mention mentioned you on a message.
41 not_channel_owner you are not the channel owner
42 friends_request sent you a friends request
43 payfast PayFast
44 name_more_than4 Name should be more than 4 characters
45 name_less_than100 Name should be less than 100 characters
46 desc_more_than4 Description should be more than 4 characters
47 desc_less_than190 Description should be less than 190 characters
48 you_can_create_just_plans You can create just 4 plans
49 unlock_your_earning_potential Unlock your earning potential today by offering and selling your exclusive content and posts.
50 choose_monetization_pack Please choose a monetization package.
Showing 50 out of 51