
Manage Languages

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The direction of the language 'Left To Right' or 'Right To Left'
Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 request_withdrawal Request withdrawal
2 payment_history Payment History
3 amount Amount
4 declined Declined
5 approved Approved
6 total_votes Total votes
7 mark_as_sold Mark Product As Sold
8 added_new_product_for_sell added new product for sell.
9 product_name Product Name
10 in_stock In stock
11 sold Sold
12 answer Answer
13 add_answer Add answer
14 authenticating Authenticating
15 welcome_back Welcome back!
16 welcome_ Welcome!
17 connect_with_people Connect with people.
18 make_new_friends Make new friends.
19 share_your_memories Share your memories.
20 create_new_relationships Create new relationships.
21 discover_new_places Discover new places.
22 forgot_your_password Forgot your password?
23 invalid_markup Invalid markup, please try to reset your password again
24 go_back Go back
25 terms_agreement By creating your account, you agree to our
26 please_choose_price Please choose a price for your product
27 please_choose_c_price Please choose a correct value for your price
28 please_upload_image Please upload at least 1 photo
29 you_have_already_voted You have already voted this poll.
30 you_have_pending_request You have already a pending request.
31 invalid_amount_value Invalid amount value
32 invalid_amount_value_your Invalid amount value, your amount is:
33 invalid_amount_value_withdrawal Invalid amount value, minimum withdrawal request is:
34 you_request_sent Your request has been sent, you'll receive an email regarding the payment details soon.
35 turn_off_notification Turn off notification sound
36 turn_on_notification Turn on notification sound
38 store_posts_by Store posts by
39 new_audio_call New audio call
40 new_audio_call_desc wants to talk with you.
41 audio_call Audio call
42 audio_call_desc talking with
43 market Market
44 comment_post_label Comment
45 by By
46 load_more_blogs Load more articles
47 blog Blog
48 no_blogs_found No articles found
49 most_recent_art Most recent articles
50 create_new_article Create new article
Showing 17 out of 51