
Manage Languages

Edit Language ISO

The direction of the language 'Left To Right' or 'Right To Left'
Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 drop_img_here Drop Image Here
2 or OR
3 browse_to_upload Browse To Upload
4 pr_completion Profile Completion
5 ad_pr_picture Add your profile picture
6 add_ur_name Add your name
7 ad_ur_workplace Add your workplace
8 ad_ur_country Add your country
9 ad_ur_address Add your address
10 e_sent_msg Someone sent me a message
11 send_money Send money
12 u_send_money You can send money to your friends, acquaintances or anyone
13 available_balance Available balance
14 send_to To who you want to send?
15 search_name_or_email Search by username or email
16 money_sent_to Your money was successfully sent to
17 sent_you sent you
18 amount_exceded The amount exceded your current balance!
19 custom_thumbnail Custom Thumbnail
20 cntc_limit_reached You have reached your limit of {{CNTC_LIMIT}} friends!
21 people People
22 nature Nature
23 share_to Share to
24 timeline Timeline
25 pinterest Pinterest
26 group Group
27 pro_members Pro Members
29 duration Duration
30 pro_feature_control_profile Pro features give you complete control over your profile.
31 why_choose_pro Why Choose PRO?
32 whatsapp WhatsApp
33 post_login_requriement_dislike Please log in to like, dislike, share and comment!
34 post_login_requriement_none Please log in to like, share and comment!
35 e_disliked_my_posts Someone disliked my posts
36 edit_ads Edit campaign
37 manage_ads Manage ads
38 create_new_ads New campaign
39 create_events Create new event
40 edit_event Edit event
41 event_going Events Going
42 event_intersted Events Interested
43 event_invited Invited
44 events_past Past Events
45 events_upcoming Upcoming Events
46 crop_your_avatar Crop your avatar
50 terms_accept Please agree to the Terms of use & Privacy Policy
Showing 23 out of 51