
Manage Languages

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Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 1597 Protective Services
2 1598 Restaurant & Hospitality
3 1599 Retail & Sales
4 1600 Science & Engineering
5 1601 Sports & Entertainment
6 1602 Transportation
7 1603 Protective Services
8 1604 Restaurant & Hospitality
9 1605 Retail & Sales
10 1606 Science & Engineering
11 1607 Sports & Entertainment
12 1608 Transportation
13 you_cant_pay You can`t donate more than {{money}}
14 confirm_delete_job Are you sure that you want to delete this job?
15 lost_in_space Looks like you're lost in space!
16 add_funds Add Funds
17 send_money_friends Send money to friends
18 view_analytics View Analytics
19 next Next
20 ad_media Media
21 targeting Targeting
22 comp_name Company name
23 camp_title Campaign title
24 website_url Website URL
25 camp_desc Campaign description
26 ad_img_help Select a image for your campaign
27 ad_start_date_help Select campaign starting date, UTC
28 ad_end_date_help Select campaign ending date, UTC
29 ad_desc_help Tell users what your campaign is about
30 camp_budget Campaign Budget
31 camp_budget_help Enter the amount you want to spend on this campaign
32 ad_preview Ad preview
33 album_name_help Choose your album name
34 browse_articles Browse articles
35 no_blogs_created You haven't created any articles yet.
36 create_group_chat Create a group chat
37 turn_on Turn On
38 type_message Type a message
39 edit_funding Edit funding request
40 fund_amount How much money you would like to receive?
41 browse_events Browse Events
42 start_time Start time
43 end_time End time
44 no_one_created_event It seems like no one created an event yet!
45 event_start When this event will start?
46 event_end When this event will end?
47 browse_forum Browse Forum
48 browse_funding Browse Funding
49 filter Filter
50 personal_pic Your personal picture
Showing 32 out of 51