
Manage Languages

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The direction of the language 'Left To Right' or 'Right To Left'
Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 select_image Select an image
2 replenish_my_balance Replenish my balance
3 continue Continue
4 replenishment_notif Your balance has been replenished by
5 ads Advertising
6 confirm_delete_ad Are you sure that you want to delete this campaign? This action can't be undo.
7 delete_ad Delete campaign
8 no_ads_found No ads found. Create new ad and start getting traffic!
9 appears Placement
12 story Story
13 max_number_status The maximum number can not exceed 20 files at a time!
14 status_added Your status has been successfully added!
15 create_new_status Create New Status
17 notification_sent Your notification has been sent successfully
18 hide_post Hide post
19 verification_sent Your verification request soon will be considered!
20 profile_verification Verification of the profile!
21 verification_complete Congratulations your profile is verified!
22 upload_docs Upload documents
23 select_verif_images Please upload a photo with your passport / ID & your distinct photo
24 passport_id Copy of your passport or ID card
25 your_photo Your photo
26 please_select_passport_id Please select your passport/id and photo!
27 passport_id_invalid The passport/id picture must be an image
28 user_picture_invalid The user picture must be an image
29 verification_request_sent Your request was successfully sent, in the very near future we will consider it!
30 shared shared
31 post_shared Post was successfully added to your timeline!
32 important Important!
33 unverify Please note that if you change the username you will lose verification
34 friend_privacy Who can see my friends?
35 added_group_admin added you group admin
36 added_page_admin added you page admin
37 no_messages No messages yet here.
38 conversation_deleted Conversation has been deleted!
39 close Close
40 exit_group Exit group
41 clear_history Clear history
42 group_members Group members
43 add_parts Add participant
44 unreport Cancel Report
45 report_user Report this User
46 report_page Report this Page
47 report_group Report this Group
48 page_rated You have already rated this page!
49 rating Rating
50 reviews Reviews
Showing 20 out of 51