
Manage Languages

Edit Language ISO

The direction of the language 'Left To Right' or 'Right To Left'
Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 add_to_family Add to family
2 family_member Family Member
3 family_members Family members
4 add_as Add as
5 confirm_remove_family_member Are you sure that you want to remove this member from your family?
6 family_member_added New member was successfully added to your family list!
7 request_sent Your request was successfully sent!
8 request_accepted Accepted your request to be your @
9 sent_u_request Listed you as his @
10 requests Requests
11 relation_with In relations with
12 married_to Married to
13 engaged_to Engaged to
14 relationship_status Relationship Status
15 relationship_request Relationship request
16 relhip_request_accepted Accepted your request @
17 relation_rejected rejected your relation request @
18 file_too_big File size error: The file exceeds allowed the limit ({file_size}) and can not be uploaded.
19 file_not_supported Unable to upload a file: This file type is not supported.
20 find_friends_nearby Find friends
21 location_dist Location distance
22 close_to_u close to you
23 find_friends Find friends
24 distance distance
25 distance_from_u distance from you
26 show_location Show location
27 share_my_location Share my location with public?
28 enter_valid_title Please enter a valid title
29 pay_per_click Pay Per Click (${{PRICE}})
30 pay_per_imprssion Pay Per Impression (${{PRICE}})
31 top_up Top up
32 balance_is_0 Your current wallet balance is: 0, please top up your wallet to continue.
33 messages_delete_confirmation Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?
34 currency Currency
35 friends_stories Friends Stories
36 no_messages_here_yet No messages yet here.
37 conver_deleted Conversation has been deleted.
38 group_name_limit Group name must be 4/15 characters
39 group_avatar_image Group avatar must be an image
40 explore Explore
41 format_image File Format image
42 format_video File Format video
43 video Video
44 video_player VideoPlayer
45 no_file_chosen No file chosen
46 choose_file Choose File
47 media Media File
48 select_valid_img_vid Media file is invalid. Please select a valid image or video
49 select_valid_img Media file is invalid. Please select a valid image
50 select_valid_vid Media file is invalid. Please select a valid video
Showing 22 out of 51