
Manage Languages

Edit Language ISO

The direction of the language 'Left To Right' or 'Right To Left'
Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 industry_empty Please enter an industry
2 description_empty Please enter a description
3 please_choose_correct_experience_date Please choose a correct date.
4 experience_successfully_created Experience successfully created.
6 delete_your_experience Delete your experience
7 are_you_delete_your_experience Are you sure you want to delete this experience?
8 edit_experience Edit experience
9 you_not_owner You are not the owner, you can apply this action.
10 experience_successfully_updated Experience successfully updated.
11 certifications Certifications
12 licenses_certifications Licenses & Certificates
13 add_new_certification Add New Certificate
14 issuing_organization Issuing organization
15 credential_id Credential ID
16 credential_url Credential URL
17 issuing_organization_empty Please enter an issuing organization
18 issue_date Issue date
19 expiration_date Expiration date
20 issue_date_empty Please enter the issuing date.
21 name_empty Please enter a name
22 certification_successfully_created Your certificate has been created.
23 delete_your_certification Delete your certificate
24 are_you_delete_your_certification Are you sure you want to delete this certificate?
25 edit_certification Edit Certificate
26 certification_successfully_updated Your certificate has been updated.
27 projects Projects
28 add_new_project Add new project
29 project_name Project name
30 associated_with Associated with
31 project_url Project URL
32 project_successfully_added Your project has been added.
33 delete_your_project Delete your project
34 are_you_delete_your_project Are you sure you want to delete this project?
35 edit_project Edit Project
36 project_successfully_updated Your project has been updated.
37 skills Skills
38 languages Languages
39 open_to Open To
40 finding_a_job Finding a new job
41 providing_services Providing services
42 hiring Hiring
43 add_job_preferences Add job preferences
44 tell_us_kind_work Tell us what kind of work you’re open to
45 workplaces Workplaces
46 on_site On site
47 hybrid Hybrid
48 remote Remote
49 job_types Job types
50 temporary Temporary
Showing 40 out of 51