1 |
purchased |
Purchased |
2 |
no_purchased_found |
No purchased items found |
3 |
order |
Order |
4 |
download_invoice |
Download Invoice |
5 |
id_can_not_empty |
ID is required |
6 |
you_are_not_purchased |
You haven't purchased yet. |
7 |
order_not_found |
Order not found |
8 |
order_details |
Order details |
9 |
write_review |
Write Review |
10 |
tracking_details |
Tracking Details |
11 |
delivery_address |
Delivery Address |
12 |
if_the_order_status |
If the order status wasn't set to delivered within 60 days from the order date, it will be automatically be sent to "Delivered". |
13 |
if_the_order_delivered |
If the order wasn't actually delivered, the buyer can request a refund. |
14 |
placed |
Placed |
15 |
payments |
Payments |
16 |
subtotal |
Subtotal |
17 |
sale_invoice |
Sale invoice |
18 |
seller_name |
Seller Name |
19 |
seller_email |
Seller Email |
20 |
invoice_to |
Invoice To |
21 |
payment_details |
Payment Details |
22 |
total_due |
Total Due |
23 |
bank_name |
Bank name |
24 |
invoice |
Invoice |
25 |
item |
Item |
26 |
orders |
Orders |
27 |
no_orders_found |
No orders found |
28 |
products |
Products |
29 |
qty |
Qty |
30 |
canceled |
Canceled |
31 |
accepted |
Accepted |
32 |
packed |
Packed |
33 |
shipped |
Shipped |
34 |
commission |
Commission |
35 |
final_price |
Final Price |
36 |
tracking_number |
Tracking Number |
37 |
link |
Link |
38 |
tracking_info_has_been_saved_successfully |
Tracking info has been saved successfully |
39 |
tracking_url_can_not_be_empty |
Tracking url can not be empty |
40 |
tracking_number_can_not_be_empty |
Tracking number can not be empty |
41 |
please_enter_valid_url |
Please enter a valid url |
42 |
site_url |
Site Url |
43 |
delivered |
Delivered |
44 |
please_explain_the_reason |
Please explain the reason |
45 |
your_request_is_under_review |
Your request is under review, we contact you once done. |
46 |
review |
Review |
47 |
submit |
Submit |
48 |
review_can_not_be_empty |
Review content is required. |
49 |
rating_can_not_be_empty |
rating can not be empty |
50 |
review_has_been_sent_successfully |
Your review has been submitted. |