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The direction of the language 'Left To Right' or 'Right To Left'
Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 dont_have_account Don't have an account?
2 already_have_account Already have an account?
3 approve_post_text Your post was submitted, we will review your content soon.
4 remove_all_sessions Logout From All Sessions
5 approve_post Your post was approved and published!
6 no_going_people There are no going users.
7 liked_pages Liked Pages
8 joined_groups Joined Groups
9 earn_text_create_blog Earn %d points by creating a new blog
10 view_interested_Candidates View Interested Candidates
11 memories Memories
12 on_this_day On this day
13 there_are_no_memories_this_day You don't have any memories on this day.
14 friendversaries Friendaversary
15 memory_this_day You have remembrance on this day
16 page_analytics Page Analytics
17 total_likes Total Likes
18 today Today
19 this_month This Month
20 this_year This Year
21 group_analytics Group Analytics
22 total_member Total Members
23 thread_reply replied to your thread
24 share_on_timeline Share on my timeline
25 shared_forum shared a forum
26 forum_shared Forum posts were successfully added to your timeline!
27 thread_shared Thread was successfully added to your timeline!
28 shared_thread shared a thread
29 sub_category Sub Category
30 remaining_text Remaining {{time}} for your membership
31 free_plan_upload To upload images, videos, and audio files, you have to upgrade to pro member.
32 free_plan_upload_pro To upload images, videos, and audio files, you have to upgrade to pro member.
33 approve_blog Your blog was approved and published!
34 refund Refund
35 refund_page Refund page
36 reason Reason
37 business_days We will review your request within 2 - 3 business days.
38 you_not_membership Oops, You are not a subscriber, you can't request refund.
39 select_your_membership Please select your correct membership
40 request_review_text Your request is under review, we will notify you once its approved
41 refund_decline Your refund request has been declined!
42 refund_approve Your refund request has been approved! please check your balance.
43 paystack Paystack
44 cashfree Cashfree
45 offer Offer
46 create_offer Create New Offer
47 post_offer_text Post a offer for {{page_name}} on
48 offer_type Offer Type
49 discount_percent Discount Percent
50 discount_amount Discount Amount
Showing 33 out of 51