
Manage Languages

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Manage & Edit Languages
ID Key Name Value Action
1 copy Copy
2 invited_user Invited User
3 unlimited Unlimited
4 anonymous Anonymous
5 iban IBAN
6 full_name Full name
7 swift_code Swift code
8 withdraw_approve Your withdraw request has been approved!
9 withdraw_declined Your withdraw request has been declined!
10 register_and_pay Register and pay using
11 live Live
12 go_live Go Live
13 started_live_video started a live video.
14 razorpay Razorpay
15 paysera Paysera
16 unfollow unfollow
17 withdraw_method Withdraw Method
18 bank Bank
19 end_live End live
20 get_notification_posts Get a notification when {USER} create a new post.
21 stop_notification_posts Stop getting a notifications from {USER}
22 created_new_post created a new post.
23 time_friends It's been {TIME} since you both are friends! Send them a message to celebrate.
24 request_refund Request a Refund
25 is_live is live now.
26 was_live was live.
27 1817 Mercedes
28 1818 Mercedes
29 1819 BMW
30 january January
31 february February
32 march March
33 april April
34 may May
35 june June
36 july July
37 august August
38 september September
39 october October
40 november November
41 december December
42 notifications_single Notifications
43 get_started Get Started
44 enable_weather_loc Please enable location on your browser to view current weather.
45 enable_friend_loc Access to your location is Disabled. Enable it on your browser if you want to see people around you.
46 sunday Sunday
47 monday Monday
48 tuesday Tuesday
49 wednesday Wednesday
50 thursday Thursday
Showing 35 out of 51